Valor North Austin

A Free K-12 Classical Charter School

A warm welcome to prospective Valor North Austin families!

Are you looking for a school that is the right fit for your child? In an age of distraction and disconnection, we cultivate an atmosphere of attentiveness and warmth that inspires students to be fully present and deeply engaged. We focus on educating the whole person—cultivating wisdom, virtue, and friendship—so that every student can become fully alive and truly free. Enroll now, and give your child an education that awakens wonder and develops a love of learning.

Made for Wonder

Watch this short video to see what Valor students experience in our classical schools.

Want to learn more? Join us for an upcoming school tour.

Learn More About Valor North Austin

Apply now for the 2024-2025 school year! Limited spots are still available to start this semester as well!

From the Headmaster

Headmaster Hill

Dear Families,

Greetings! I am pleased to welcome you to our classical charter school. Moving into our third year, I am grateful for the almost 800 students and their families at Valor North that have come together to form a beautiful community. Our motto illuminates the purpose of a Valor education: Sapientia per admirationem. Our task is to enable our students to grow in "wisdom through wonder."

As an educator, I am convinced that wonder is the agent of all genuine learning. From their earliest years, children possess an innate sense of wonder, which drives them to know, contemplate, and explore the beauty of the world around them. What joy is found in such discovery! In a world that is often starved of wonder, this capacity begs to be nourished throughout a student’s formative years.

The journey of growth is, to use the words of Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman, "certainly a grand adventure!"  At Valor North Austin, there are three essential components of this adventure:

  1. The first is the faculty that we hire. On an adventure, the guide makes all the difference. Our faculty are men and women of high moral character who are themselves filled with wonder. They are excellent guides who will lead our scholars to see and adhere to the meaning of reality.

  2. Second, on an adventure, one needs a good map. At Valor, a central feature of this map is the classical tradition. Valor's curriculum focuses on classic literature and poetry. These writings have stood the test of time, provoke thinking about the fundamental human questions, and awaken a desire for excellence.

  3. Third, for the adventure to be enjoyable, one needs a specific culture, namely, one that promotes virtue and is free of cynicism and negativity. The routines and high behavioral expectations enable our students to acquire the virtues needed for joyfully undertaking the adventure. Both joy and order characterize Valor's culture!

Again, welcome to Valor North Austin! I am eager to partner with you on this adventure to wisdom through wonder. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.


Headmaster Hill

Campus Expansion Opening Fall 2024

In fall 2024, Valor North Austin will open a new building on its campus, which will include Upper School classrooms, seminar rooms, science labs, a blackbox theatre, a library, art and music rooms, a new faculty commons, an open air gym for PE, locker rooms, a weight room, and the much-anticipated full-size gymnasium complete with wood floors, balcony, concessions stand, and a stage for theatrical performances, award ceremonies, and graduations.

In addition to the new building, Valor North Austin students and faculty will enjoy a new courtyard, an expansive playground, fresh landscaping, and green spaces for the school garden and for active play.

School Contact Info

14200 N. Interstate 35
Austin, TX 78728

(512) 646-4168

Office Hours: M-F, 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Open Enrollment and Tuition-Free

Open Enrollment and Tuition-Free

Valor has no admissions requirements and no tuition. The application takes only a few minutes and can be submitted online or at our office in person.

Application Period

Application Period

Apply now to enroll your child for the 2024-2025 school year. You will be placed on a waitlist and will be offered a spot as it becomes available. Many of our waitlisted families will receive spots before the start of school.

Sibling Priority

Sibling Priority

Once one child has enrolled, waitlisted siblings will receive priority and move up the waitlist.

Kindergarten Eligibility

Kindergarten Eligibility

To enroll in Kindergarten, your child must be five years old on or before September 1st in the fall of their Kindergarten year.

We Want to Get to Know You

Joining our interest list is the best way to stay in the loop about important announcements, such as enrollment lottery deadlines, new school campuses, and upcoming Institute events. If you have specific questions, please contact us. We look forward to talking with you!